As one of Canada’s longest running charities, St. John Ambulance relies on our generous donors to operate our charitable programs and enhance our overall impact in BC and Yukon. Collaborating with local community organizations allows us to expand and grow our community programs, reach more people in need, and enhance our services to fully support vulnerable groups in ways that will make a difference. Grant funding and donations also allow us to provide training, supplies, and resources to our volunteers so they can continue to go out into their communities equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools to help everyone.
In 2021, we were fortunate to receive grant funding from the following generous organizations:
Government of Canada - Canada Summer Jobs Program
BC Community Gaming Grants
Envision Financial Foundation
District of Oak Bay
Disability Alliance BC
West Vancouver Community Foundation
We are grateful for each and every one of these organizations. Without their support, St. John Ambulance would not be able to make as big of an impact in our work across BC and Yukon.